Outreach is at the heart of everything we do. If we aren’t sharing, we aren’t able to help. It’s that simple.
And to accomplish what we need to — to make that massive difference in people’s Quality of Life – we need your help.
Please get in the habit of sharing our outreach messages (see our Gallery) and what you do: Share, here, there, and everywhere. On our accounts and yours. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Etc.
Let people know about your participation in the program, and that you’d like them to take a look at it also. If they like what they see, they can share some basic info with their network and if they really like the program they can, of course, join and “Pay It Forward.”
Follow Our 5 x 5 Program: Choose one, two, three, four or five groups of people and organizations you’d like to outreach to:
5 Groups of People: Students, Employees, Owners, Retirees & The Unemployed.
5 Types of Organizations: Schools, Churches/Temples, Non-Profit Organizations, Agencies & Businesses.

“Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.”
— Dalai Lama
How has Kindness affected your life?
Kindness Shared Stories (KiSS)
1. How an act of kindness someone did for you positively affected your life
2. How an act of kindness you did positively affected someone else’s life

Six Degrees of Outreach (SDO) is our variation on the six degrees of separation concept — that all living things in the world are six or fewer steps away from each other — so that a chain of “a friend of a friend” statements can be made to connect any two people in a maximum of six steps.
Because outreach is so important to the success of our mission, we’ve created the SDO program to enlist our friends in connecting others to the PAK program with the ultimate goal of reaching 12 specific people of influence every month.
Be on the team that is the first to reach one of the named POIs for the month, and you get to see your name in “lights!” — And, you never know, you might just be on the receiving end of some good Karma as well … !

Click the button below to view our PAK Video Gallery! Our PAK video gallery features, PAK Pledges and PAK suggestions. We already have several submissions and are continuing to grow and expand. Feel free to send us a video about your pledge or suggestion. Every bit of support helps!

One of the goals of PAK and the Karma Club is to give people around the world the opportunity to really make a difference in other people’s lives … To become someone special by taking positive action and making a difference in the lives of others. And, by the very act of doing so, over and over, you change your own life in the process.
Who’s your choice for person of the week?
Some Good Deeds Take Longer Than A Day …
Imagine how our lives would have been different today if we were able to …
• Change the tide and protect the world against the devastating effects of climate change 15 years ago?
• Change the auto industry from gasoline-based to electric 10 years ago?
• Provide universal pre-k education for every child in this country?
• Get beverage manufacturers to reduce sugar content in their drink products by 50%?
We would have reduced the incidence of catastrophic weather events saving countless lives, property damage, and dollars.
We would have reduced the amount of pollution in the world, and helped reduce the march toward climate change.
We would have made sure that every child has foundation needed to grow and develop as they enter primary school.
We would have reduced the incidence of both childhood and adult diabetes, and saved countless lives.
What do all these issues have in common?

During the course of our day we all have many opportunities to impact others, in both positive and negative ways. We want to reward people for taking the high road and bringing help, happiness, and maybe even a little joy, into the lives of others.
Every time you do something that benefits others, (people, animals, the planet) feel free to blog about it here. Give a little background, post a picture or video. And come back often to read comments, as well as other people’s stories.